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This year, in recognition of their extraordinary achievements, we're proud to present rangers with Russia's Wrangel Island Nature Reserve with our annual award.

A polar bear rests on the snow


As part of her ongoing series, Dr. Thea Bechshoft responds to a reader's question with a thoughtful and surprising answer.



Pornhub 的 VPN 来了:2021-5-25 · Pornhub 正在变得更加 " 丰满 "。这个深受全世界人民喜爱却又最不被人知晓的网站如今正在启动它自己的 VPN 服务:VPNHub。据其研发者称,这款可在安卓、iOS、MacOS 众及 Windows 平台上运行的应用软件将会主要用来提供 " 免费且无限量的

A mother polar bear with two cubs


In a report published today in Nature Climate Change, scientists calculate “timelines of risk” for polar bears, exploring two greenhouse gas scenarios.



It’s summer in the Canadian Arctic—temperatures are rising, the sea ice of Hudson Bay is starting to break up, and the polar bears that call this platform home

A polar bear mother her young cub.

Polar Bears Reluctant to Abandon Dens, Even When Disturbed

A new study highlights the need for more effective den-detection methods to protect denning moms and cubs from heavy equipment and other disturbances.

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Our live Polar Bear Cams of the annual gathering of polar bears in Churchill, Canada have ended for the season. Until they return next fall, enjoy our live Beluga Cam and highlights of the bears from 2024! #arcticinspiration

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Polar Bears and Their Habitat

Bear Tracker

Follow polar bears as they journey across the ice.

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Polar Bears

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A threat to polar bears and the sea ice they depend on.

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“The only way to save the bears and their sea ice habitats is to control temperature rise through greenhouse gas mitigation.”

Dr. Steven C. Armstrup

It's not too late. Act now to effect change.

Your actions today will help prevent potentially catastrophic changes from taking place—not only helping polar bears, but also preserving the climate that has allowed humans to flourish.

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